Everything is new~

New year is coming! Im in a festive mood. Said goodbye to my past, my hair and everything in 2006. Lets start afresh from 2007! I hope in a new year, there is new beginning, new people appearing in my life, new targets, new destiny. There are so many things that I can hoped for… Continue reading Everything is new~

Christmas Pressie

This is my Christmas Pressie to myself. Merry Christmas! May all my dreams and your dreams come true!

Somebody to Love

Where is my penguin? *hey penguin, put your flipper up in the air!*


天气转凉了。 今天下班时下了好大好大的雨。 淋雨时,不禁想起那句“台北的天气好吗?”“高雄的雨下的好大。”** 回到家,开启msn,看见台湾朋友的匿称:下雨的台北,下雨的心情。 感觉上每个人都在下雨的心情里面游荡。 我却在提醒着如果不想再度淋雨回家就要记得明天带伞。 年底的跨年确定会在台北度过。 想从27号开始放长假,all the way到8号。 今年,算不算一个好年? 换了新工作、认识新朋友兼同事。<好> 告别了那段不值得去纪念的感情。<好> 错过了两个姐妹的庆生节目。<坏> 到曼谷走过这么一遭。<好> 越来越少的私人空间。<坏> 学了一个新语言。<好> 工作份量增加,个人能量减少。<坏到不能再坏> 好像都一半一半。 下个月aka明年会是一个更好的年。 最好能够升职加薪。目标是第一张信用卡和第一辆车。 台湾之旅后,如果可以希望明年的年底会在韩国滑雪。 今年的圣诞愿望是能在下个生日之前找个新的好男人,好好的谈恋爱。 能够变漂亮就变漂亮。能够变有钱就变有钱。 老天会不会嫌我太贪心? 如果不会,明天就下场雨吧。 **出自藤井树的《猫空的爱情故事》

年底的台湾之旅。 好期待。 圣诞节前夕,心情有点平淡。 只是希望能和朋友们一起聚一聚。 跨年时如果能够走在西门町的路上,也不错。 新年,新的一年。 但还是一个旧的我。


“The dictionary may define an obstacle as ‘a person or thing that obstructs progress,’ but today any obstacles you face will have quite the opposite effect. When someone tells you no today, all you’ll hear is a challenge to change this person’s mind. You are up to the task, and you’re eager to make all… Continue reading Gemini

I feel Good~ Da Lum da Lum da Lum Da..

Just came back from JB yesterday. Did a mani & Pedi, cutted my hair, went for a traditional massage, eat good food! Life should be like this! At least just a short getaway also make me feels good!


很痛苦! Having a very bad running nose now! And Im so Sleepy! ** 最近的人都特别的奇怪。 其实我们真的没什么。 只是没有人相信。 好朋友真的那么难做吗?