
Didnt know I was so impt until had a talk with my partner. Emotionally drained by someone at work, and physically drained off by the workload I had. Had a cryout when things are really tearing me apart. Never had breakdown in work before even though things are worst back then. It goes to show,… Continue reading Breakdown

Retail Therapy

I wish I got the time to go and paint my nails even though they will get ruin very soon due to my work. Somehow or rather, 当杨门女将的杨八妹真的很累。 No doubt, being strong and “never say die” spirit is something that is inbuilds within myself but I do have times when I want to allow myself to be weak.  … Continue reading Retail Therapy

I am Suffocating!!

Work has become overwhelming ever since responsibilities and more workload has added onto me! I have too many work to do until I don’t know where to start. All I think about is when again can I go on the next trip. I planned to go Taiwan next year Jan 3rd week after the Parenting… Continue reading I am Suffocating!!


I hope the brotherhood stays in the right way. Once a brother, always a brother. Never repeat a mistake. ** Another weekend all burnt out due to WA. Yesterday after packing we went off @ about 3am. Me and My bro went east coast there to eat and drink. Then sit there just to enjoy the… Continue reading BrotherHood

Low Morale

Finally the hectic CDC is over. Totally drained off from work. It put me through alot of tests. Things happened. I convince myself that yes indeed it was a learning experience. But the spirit is low. Look forward, and things will be better. I believe it, but it hasnt been good for me. Things aint… Continue reading Low Morale


广东话里面有一句“踩屎”。 今天真的衰! 手机掉进马桶里去了。 键盘都不能开! Cannot Unlock!!! 看到message and miss call, 都不能看! 有电话来都不能听,不能打电话出去! Sad!!!  啊!抓狂!


爱在公元两千零六年结束。 我哀悼着,对残留下来的残碴凭吊着。 就算挖个坟墓也不够堆的回忆,不断提醒着原来他只不过已经成为了一个陌生人。 而陌生人,已经不是我爱的人。